Posie during the event

Posie Parker is a self-proclaimed feminist activist who has gained recognition for her opinions on transgender rights. Parker thinks that the transgender movement is harmful to women’s rights and has been vocal in her resistance to it. Her contentious opinions have elicited both support and criticism from different organizations.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull is her real name however; she is mostly known by her other name Posie Parker. Parker is a British women’s rights campaigner known for her opinions on gender and transgender issues. She is well-known for her criticism of some parts of the transsexual rights movement as well as her advocacy for women’s and girls’ rights. She opposes the laws and policies that enable transgender persons to be legally recognized as the gender of their choice.

The Drastic Feminist Movement

Posie Parker is part of a rising group of extreme feminists who think that transgender rights are incompatible with women’s rights. They contend that transgender women who were born masculine have male privilege and cannot completely comprehend biological women’s experiences. They also think that the transgender movement promotes gender stereotypes and hinders women’s rights advancement.

On 15 May, Posie Parker organized a rally where she was interrupted by women, Posing as a speaker, she grabbed the microphone and said, “I just wanna say that I am a cis female and I recognize trans women in women’s spaces as okay, and I don’t think we need to protest that, I don’t think we need the vitriolic hate.” Parker stated at the end of the day “I am deeply saddened that my work has been re-appropriated in this manner, and I do not share their views.” I advocate for all human liberties.

The Transgender Community’s Response

Parker’s opinions have infuriated the transsexual community and their supporters. They contend that her views are transphobic and detrimental to the emotional health of transgender people. They also think that her opinions add to the everyday discrimination and violence that transgender people experience.

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Standing for Women

In 2020, Parker developed the organization Standing for Women. She also serves as a special adviser for the Women’s Liberation Front. (WoLF). Parker considers she is a feminist fighter. Standing for Women is a feminist organization located in the United Kingdom that advocates for women’s due rights and justice.

The group focuses on the condition of women and ladies in public, schools, hospitals, sports, and so on. They fight for women’s rights and justice. Standing for Women has been involved in various rallies, and programs that have gained both appreciation and criticism.  

Dark Realities of Words:

Nobody deserves to be treated unfairly. Likewise, the voice raised by the transgender sounds bad for women (feminists) and vice versa. It is important to acknowledge the dark truths of what needs to be done so everyone can live peacefully without the problems of facing crowded rallies and uncertain things.

The concerned authorities should be aware of the issues raised by both Transgender & feminists. The court should not deny their voices for their rights. It is important to stand up for everyone’s beliefs and also it is equally important to respect the rights and dignity of every individual regardless of their background or identity.  

Why did Posie Parker leave New Zealand?

The controversial figure Posie flees New Zealand after she got to know the chaotic scenes at the Auckland rally on Saturday 26 March. The crowd was too heavy for her, she couldn’t even flee easily so she even checked in for an international flight between her home country and New Zealand by herself. She refused to give any updated information to any media and tries to keep it under her circles only.

Police had to escort her from her rally in Auckland because the protestors outnumbered her supporters and what’s more, is she even didn’t get a chance to speak. They were against the British Anti-Transgender because she was more into the issues of females rather than of transgender. The people of Auckland even threw potatoes, tomatoes, water, and eggs.

Remarks of Posie Parker:

Posie Parker’s opinions on transgender rights have caused discussion and controversy. While some regard her views as extreme and transphobic, others regard her as an advocate for women’s rights.

Regardless of one’s position on the issue, it is important to engage in polite discourse and listen to all parties involved. Only through sensitivity and understanding can we hope to find an answer that respects all people’s rights and dignity.

Parker’s Net Worth

Possie’s net worth is estimated to be around $5-12 million. However, the source of her net worth is still unknown to us. Furthermore, she is not a successful actress but is known to us as a feminist activist.